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The Next of AI

Why we’re not particularly in favor of further AI tool development, especially, for the creative industry, and for our society at large. 

We’ll first talk about media itself, then about production and our views about why AI is not necessary and how it does our balance of nature more bad than good, then diving into creative workflows NOT using AI and the normalcy and comfort in those. Our views are expressed in two ways, logically and politically saying no to AI development.

Be warned of the aggressive bias on the topic, because our conditioning to accept AI without any need has taken roots in our community over the past couple of years. This blog is written taking in consideration the support for AI development thus far, for the ones eager to jump off this page already, so bear with me, you might be pleased too as you read on. 

Media intake is the crux of our society today, what we watch, what values we learn, plays a fundamental role in the psyche of our collective today. For this reason, our media production industry saw an all time high in the past few years, having now faltered with garbage shows being published every other day on multiple streaming platforms. 

Before we begin, let’s give credit where it’s due. The skills of the teams of making the films, from the acting to the animation, to the effects, the sounds, it’s all come along perfectly and has satisfied many eyes. With the ultra visual definition we have achieved over the past years, to go more intricate with our processes and visual outputs than working on other weaker aspects of our production is like spreading jam on jam when we need butter. Butter on Jam. What we now need is for the scripts and storytelling to start playing their parts too, and we’d have the ideal industry, with the ideal community, with the ideal nature life balance which we seek.

The scripts that do get produced are approved by a select few and the scripts that do get approved are usually only gossip worthy makes, at best mediocre. Something’s gotta give. Having all the tools and resources to craft beautiful visuals, our storytelling is barely making the mark. Why is our entertainment industry unable to give shape to the ideal community that it has the potential to mold. A calm, peaceful, and a loving one. Most of all a less judgmental one, at the same time a more open-minded one.

With the direction we are headed in, further AI development requires resources we do not have, and that is maybe for good reason. To play with population stats, and energy transfers, to get an 8D lifestyle that saves us more time to then be morally broken, is a questionable future.

AI started with the vision of making people’s lives better, convenient, and affordable. Who’s to say that all of those things lie at a more materialistic stake for humanity? With the tools we already have if we can now impart the right ethics, morals, and values to our community of all, we’d be in better shape for the next chapter of us all. Otherwise… enjoy 8D as the only person left on the planet unable to cry. A bit harsh, but scarily very real.

The movies we have today dive into the surface aspects of human socialization, with multiple takes on the “happening”, we have successfully reached a distopia that needs a real vision, if only we had a more real take on moments of life selected to portray the depths we as people truly experience. A more intricate approach to conditioning people then - for the better.

To talk about the scripts, they range from comedy to comedy to comedy to subtler comedy. Comedy is a big part of the makes on our screens, a window to escape from boredom, from pain. But why escape anything on our screens, why not face what makes us who we are, alive. What we need is a more real take on the emotions of humans, their psyches and interactions, and not get stuck on perpetually making fun of stereotypes of characters found in only rare moments of real life. We do love to see those movies too, but when there’s no meat for thought that’s left with the audience, and only the majority of jokes and laughs to go off of, with then the last 5 minutes tying together an apparent moral of the story, that’s when the world of cinema needs to have some popcorn and think a bit harder about their intentions with their scripts.

We’ve spent a big chunk of this blog taking about the more socio-economic takes on the development of AI, as seen fit. This includes what’s next for us all if not AI, how to make what we have work, and how to keep up with our own standards and hopes for the future in the industry and outside of it.

In our vision, creatives and their audiences look for meaning, out-of-the-box-thinking, and unique techniques to tell unique stories in their works. It might not fit the defined writing or directing style found in the books written in the past 15 years, it might be slower, and might be too complicated for the viewer to fully grasp in the first go, but when there’s thought and emotion provoking sentimental value on screen, viewers would be eager to rewatch and decode the director’s craft with grace and desire. Aside from the visuals we keep aiming for with more and more software development, the craft of storytelling still has a long way to go. And that is completely directly linked with humans doing human things, and not machines doing machine things. Not procreation. Ideation through processing pain and love.

One might suggest that AI can help with making the storytelling process better, that we aren’t heavily just focused on the visual aspects of the look and feel of our films but also the pipeline workflow structures in our industry. To you our beloved reader, take another minute to read on.

To be able to place AI in our creative flows, we need to break down what our flows look like in most creative cases. The critical and key decision making moments in a project tend to be instinctive, gut feelings that are rooted in lived experience. Unless you’re making content for bots, and now don’t be an ass and think of other humans as bots, you need to be able to connect to your audience with commonalities of relevant human observations in your works. 

Processes and workflows are intricate and often segmented. To have machine learning take over certain mundane and tedious aspects of our pipeline would appear to ease our life and grant us two more brain cells to be happy for. Here we’re facing the metaphorical problem of being penny wise and pound foolish, the penny being our mundane tasks, the pound being our environment. 

AI performance at every stage takes longer to get trained than had we gone ahead and done the task ourselves, and to make it more efficient would mean to make more technological waste, that affects the physical world that we live in. I’m forced to type the obvious here because a reminder is always welcomed in this age of every ad being pro AI integration.

In our decently popular opinion, it’s more time consuming and restricting to train the machine to perform the tasks we want it to. For certain activities like say taking notes for a meeting, or scheduling production schedules, AI still hasn’t reached great performance abilities to be worthy of mentioning. 

Being semi-capable right now (being generative after all) all AI generated results require humans to look over them and get them approved to go further down the workflow. We think now that’s just forcing AI to be useful anywhere we get a window, why you might wonder? For the illusion of help or for being included in a politically driven community that’s suffocating itself slowly? AI has been political since its birth and pre-conceivement, but technology in itself has been too. You might argue that this shouldn’t affect our experimentation with the development of the tool and see where it takes us in the coming years, because taking the case of technology and the internet itself, it does benefit us in so many ways today than it harms our community. To that we’d say: does it after all? We think that the peak celebration of the internet was when we got connected with each other easily, but with today’s war censorship and biased feeds and iphone 16s, where are we even headed? Just the same, the peak of software dev and machine learning has happened in making our visual feeds more beautiful as ever. But beauty is in our eyes, in our minds, not on our screens. Read that once more.

Human growth does not hinge on faster transportation, faster communication, faster technology, or a faster lifestyle. It hinges on the relationships we have with each other, the pain we feel and go through, the perspectives we gain as we move through life. With or without a technologically driven society, we ought to do just fine as long as morality is still in our forethought. Clearly in the case of with furthering technology experimentation, our morality, and thus our humanity, is at stake.

It’s time to calm down and take a break, maybe even have a kitkat. To not rush for the next big breakthrough with technology that’s only taking away natural resources from other fellow humans, stripping our own humanity bit by bit and constructing a grander design of doom for all.

If our fear is limited resources for all, more tech is so not the answer. Love is. And as much as we hate facing it, love takes more guts than to harm others. It takes being human.

So if we meet AI where it is now, we can still help ourselves. By not developing it further, but by using the present of it now to impart the right kind of knowledge and perspectives that this generation’s mankind desperately need.